Addams Family Reunion
Addams Family Reunion is a 1998 American comedy horror film based on the characters from the cartoon created by cartoonist Charles Addams. Directed by Dave Payne, the film was intended to serve as a pilot for a new proposed television series produced by Saban. The film stars Daryl Hannah and Tim Curry as Morticia and Gomez Addams respectively while Carel Struycken and Christopher Hart's hand are the only ones to reprise their roles from the last two films. The film's plot focused on the eccentric, macabre aristocratic Addams family mistakenly arriving at the wrong family reunion and encountering a man (Ed Begley Jr.) who seeks to commit murder in order to inherit a fortune.
Addams Family Reunion
Discovering that his grandparents have developed "Waltzheimer's disease", a disease that is slowly turning them "normal", Gomez plans a family reunion, hoping that some branch of his enormous family tree will find a cure. However, Gomez sends a card written in blood, which damages the machines of the company organizing the reunion and results in the Addams receiving the wrong invitation.
Gomez, Morticia, Fester, Lurch, and the grandparents drive to a luxury resort for the family reunion. Gomez meets psychiatrist Dr. Philip Adams, who plans to poison his wealthy father Walter Adams and rearrange his will. Gomez hopes that Dr. Adams can cure his grandparents.
Philip's brother and his wife, who are headed to the reunion, are given the wrong address and end up in the Addams family mansion, where Granny and Cousin Itt are staying. They stay there as guests, but are increasingly abused by their hosts. Granny learns that the wife is vegetarian, so she feeds her with a plant: deadly nightshade. Cousin Itt plays poker with the husband, and wins over most of the man's fortune.
Pugsley falls in love with Gina Adams, a young bespectacled girl. Wednesday antagonizes two of her new snobby "cousins", children of Philip. Lurch saves Gina's mother from drowning in the swimming pool. He falls in love with the woman, while she is disgusted with him. Walter Adams expresses his hatred for his son and most of his family. Fester and Thing do their best to capture Butcher, Fester's mutated puppy who feeds on human hair.
Walter Adams has taken a liking to Gomez, and posts bail for him and Morticia. He helps them rescue Lurch, who then helps rescue the rest of the family. Pugsley and Wednesday were in the process of torturing their foster family, but are happily reunited with their parents. The Addams Family strap Philip in his own electric chair, and have him tortured by his patients.
The Addams Family eventually return to their mansion, and leave their increasingly "normal" grandparents in the care of Philip's wife. Wednesday amuses herself with lighting fireworks, while Pugsley seems melancholic. Gomez asks him if he misses Gina, but Pugsley is instead sad because he forgot his "Siberian firecracker" back at the foster family's house.
According to Payne, Saban had purchased the rights from Charles Addams' estate, and he felt he could start fresh and create a dark fantasy film, comparing the approach he wanted to take as director to the Coen brothers.[2] However, Payne says, Saban wanted him to imitate Barry Sonnenfeld's films and the 1964 TV show, and any original idea proposed by Payne and the screenwriters was rejected.[2] In addition to the film lacking the previous entries' black comedy, Nathan Rabin also said that Addams Family Reunion has little of the anarchic satire of the Sonnenfeld films; according to Rabin, the only satirical aspect of the film is that the "normal" Adams family, whose reunion the Addamses mistakenly attend, "turns out to be far more devious, conniving, and evil than the morbid but basically good Addams clan".[4]
Gomez Addams procures a copy of The Complete and Unabridged Book of Addams, which lists every known Addams ever, and pays the publisher to organize a family reunion, but they lump them in with the Adams family by mistake. Meanwhile, his grandparents, Mortimer and Delilah, come to visit. They have contracted Waltzheimer's disease which causes them to become normal as they age. He takes them to the reunion in hopes of finding a long-lost relative who is a doctor that can cure them.
When they arrive at The Primrose Resort, Pugsley is immediately smitten with Gina Adams. Gomez does find a doctor, but Phillip Adams is a psychologist and he worries that Gomez is there to steal the Adams family fortune.
Yet, Gomez continually wins, further enraging Philip until he eventually snaps and reveals his true nature in front of the entire family when he attacks Gomez and attempts to kill him, Gomez finds this all rather fun and plays along despite the havoc it causes.
Philip Addams is sadistic, greedy, and only cares about himself, going so far as to torture his own family members. He takes joy in torturing anyone unfortunate enough to have chosen him as their psychiatrist.
Addams Family Reunion is a 1998 American direct-to-video supernatural children's film based on the characters from the cartoon created by cartoonist Charles Addams. Directed by Dave Payne, the film was intended to serve both as a reboot of the franchise, and as a pilot for a new proposed television series produced by Saban. The film starred Daryl Hannah and Tim Curry as Morticia and Gomez Addams. The film's plot focused on the eccentric, macabre aristocratic Addams family mistakenly arriving at the wrong family reunion and encountering a man (Ed Begley Jr.) who seeks to commit murder in order to inherit a fortune.
Discovering that his grandparents have developed "Waltzheimer's disease", a disease that is slowly turning them "normal", Gomez organizes a family reunion, hoping that some branch of his enormous family tree will find a cure. Unfortunately, the company arranging it misspells his surname and reunites him with the Adams family instead, including Dr. Philip Adams, who plans to poison his father and rearrange his will.
Gomez hopes that Dr. Adams can cure his grandparents; Morticia spends time with the women; Fester and Thing do their best to capture Butcher, a mutated puppy who feeds on human hair; Wednesday and Pugsley are busy making new friends; and Lurch falls in love. A couple who are headed to the reunion are given the wrong address and end up in the Addams family mansion, where Granny and Cousin Itt are staying.
Gomez Addams has been played by a handful of actors in live action over the years, with "West Side Story" and "The Frighteners" star John Astin playing the suave head of the family in "The Addams Family" TV series in 1964.
"Back to the Future" star Christopher Lloyd played Uncle Fester in the 1990s movies, although these films established that he was Gomez's brother, rather than Morticia's uncle. His introduction in the first film revolved around the idea that he had amnesia and had forgotten his past with the family.
When it came to 1991's "The Addams Family" movie, Judith Malina played Grandmama Addams. She leads the family in a seance as they try to contact Fester's spirit, thinking that the iconic uncle is dead.
"The Princess Bride" and "Scrooged" star Carol Kane replaced Judith Malina for "Addams Family Values, in which she gives Gomez and Morticia the devastating news that their son, Pubert, has transformed into a normal boy because of his disrupted family life.
"To Kill A Mockingbird" and "Grease" star Alice Ghostley became part of the gang in "Addams Family Reunion" as Grandmama Addams. She goes along with Gomez, Morticia, and the children to the reunion at the resort.
Created by American cartoonist Charles Addams in the 1930s, the Addams family continues to be celebrated as the most delightfully macabre family ever to grace the silver screen. Since their first appearance in The New Yorker in 1938, the eccentric family has become a pop culture staple.
The Addams Family 2 is the most recent addition to the franchise's growing list of film adaptations. Like The Addams Family (2019), The Addams Family 2 is a computer-animated film that chronicles the delightfully dark family as they go about their eccentric antics. The film follows the Addams family as they embark on a journey wholly uncharacteristic of them: going on a road trip.
Even though Halloween with the New Addams Family can't be held to the same high caliber as The Addams Family (1991) and Addams Family Values, it was a notable addition to the Addams Family franchise as the only film that stars the cast of the 1964-66 sitcom. Although contemporary fans were delighted to see this amazing cast reunited, the film's plot was lacking, and the Addams family mansion was nothing like the one from the sitcom.
Unlike the franchise's other films, Halloween with the New Addams Family was a made-for-television film that reunited the cast of The Addams Family sitcom after it was canceled in 1966. In addition to celebrating the eccentrically gothic family, the film also celebrates one of the Addamses' favorite holidays: Halloween.
Another memorable aspect of Addams Family Values is the film's villain. While many films follow common tropes like villainy being correlated with darkness and outright wretchedness, The Addams Family turns this trope on its head by making its villain a pretty woman with a kindhearted exterior. This role reversal is part of what makes the franchise so special; after all, since the Addams family is regularly side-eyed for being unapologetically gothic, it follows that some of the franchise's evilest villains are cheery and bright.
One major factor that led to the film's success was actor Anjelica Huston's captivating portrayal of the stern yet cunning matriarch, Morticia Addams. Since the film introduced many viewers to the eccentric family, its actors and crew needed to hit it out of the park. Thankfully, they could do just this, and The Addams Family (1991) was an undeniable commercial success because of this. 041b061a72